Hi there! Nice to meet you
I’m Anton, and I love robots. That’s why I started Anton’s MINDSTORMS. On this website, I want to share the love. With my creations, I try to go beyond the basics, and I aim to share everything that I learn. Since I started, more people have joined on and off to create tutorials.
Anton’s MINDSTORMS is for fun and experiments

If you spend money in my shop, you help me pay for hosting, production of hardware, and coffee while I’m building LEGO. You can support me even more by joining my Patreon. Patreon supporters get all the building instructions when they appear, even before I do all the work of putting them up in the shop.
I love to design for you

My background is in Industrial Design. I enjoy making beautiful and functional objects. The LEGO House hired me to design a robot experience for them. And the MINDSTORMS team commissions a Remix from time to time. Get in touch if you want me to design some models for you.
Getting in touch — contact information
If you have questions about LEGO or the stuff I make, I prefer it when you leave a comment on this site or ask a question on Facebook. I’m also on other Social Media. You can find me on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and GitHub. More people can enjoy the answer when you ask your question on social media!
If you have a personal or support question, email me at anton@antonsmindstorms.com. Scroll down for my phone number. But I prefer email or social media.
Address and company information
I also have an address and a phone number. It’s on the site for legal reasons and returns.
Antons Mindstorms
Molenwerf 24
2635JT Den Hoorn
The Netherlands
Antons Mindstorms is registered at The Hague Chamber of Commerce under number 88592650, as a marketing brand for Agile Growth BV. Contact me if you need a tax ID.
+31 6 10654168